Painless Root Canal Treatment

When we tell someone that their tooth needs root canal treatment, the first question we always ask ourselves is how painful the procedure is. Some people have had bad experiences in the past, while others have heard painful stories about root canal treatments. While we understand people’s concerns, it’s still a little surprising to hear that a root canal is done under local anesthesia and is therefore a painless procedure! Root canal treatment may be the most misunderstood procedure in dentistry. This is an important procedure that is performed to preserve teeth when the only other option is tooth extraction. 

Benefits of Root Canal Treatment

Join Us in Embracing Painless Root Canal Treatment
for a Healthier Smile

Root Canal Procedure

During root canal treatment, the root canal specialist numbs a specific area of ​​the patient with local anesthesia. The infected pulp is removed with endodontic tools, followed by thorough disinfection. The final stage of root canal treatment is to fill the canal and then fill the damaged part of tooth with amalgam or tooth-colored filling. In the case of an abscess, the dentist may need to drain it, which may take several days, and another appointment may be necessary to complete the procedure. Root canal treated teeth may require crowns.

Frequently Asked Questions

A damaged or infected pulp can cause severe pain. This can affect not only your teeth, but also your oral health. If any symptoms associated with the teeth are found, root canal treatment is required.

No, root canal treatment is painless. Before a root canal treatment, the dentist will numb the affected area with a local anesthetic to ensure that the treatment is painless.

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